Largo City Hall
City of Largo | Largo , Florida
The new 115,000 SF, mixed-use building promotes downtown development as a mixed-use (City facility, private businesses, parking garage and public use space) and aligns with the City's strategic initiatives of public health & safety, sustainability and community pride. The facility can function as an emergency operations center during storms and as a community gathering place year-round. Plans include hurricane survivability, full emergency power, and sustainable construction and operation. Energy efficiency technologies such as Solar Panels, City provided reclaimed water instead of a cooling tower or geothermal, and Grey Water to meet strict energy-efficiency goals. LEED Platinum Certification pending.
The lighting was minimalistic to accentuate the architecture for a light and airy feel. The design concept was to bring sunlight and nature inside the structure to enhance the circadian rhythms of the occupants. A daylighting study was performed to validate the usable sunlight within the building to meet LEED requirements.