Sports Engineering

Sports Engineering | We have an in-depth understanding of the design requirements that make sports facilities different from other types of facilities. For example, our designs incorporate the impact on the structure from the dynamic load of spectators, facility use patterns when designing HVAC and plumbing systems, and the need to winterize areas not used year round. Our team has an acute insight into the balance that must be present between available resources and the expectations for the project. Our in-depth knowledge of the intricate function and detail of these building types eliminates the learning curve and allows us to focus on innovative in-house solutions.
Sports Lighting | The design of the sports lighting system must meet the requirements of broadcasters, spectators, players and officials without spilling light into the environment and creating a nuisance for the local neighboring community. We seek to provide quality sports lighting design that balances light pollution standards against the demands of those playing and attending the game. Our designs use the latest in lighting technology, including LED fixtures for maximum energy savings, while providing the owner with a variety of control and egress lighting options.